Online bullying in Redbridge

A joint investigation

SSOs play a vital role in all schools.

My Safer Schools Officer (SSO) is a consummate professional and proving herself to be a valuable member of our pastoral team.

Our SSO has been outstanding. Always available and prepared to get involved. I meet with her at least once every 2/3 weeks for a morning where we discuss incidents, meet parents or students. Incidents include online safety, malicious communications, sexting, peer on peer abuse to name a few. I have also used our SSO to run assemblies covering topics such as stop and search, theft, safe travel. online safety and violence against women.

A recent incident involved the school investigating an incident of online bullying which had been reported to the police and school. A joint investigation uncovered the extent of the problem. Suspects were identified and interviewed. The action taken was to issue two yellow cards. Parents were present for one of the meetings where consequences of any repeat behaviour were fully explained. This action was also communicated to the victim's family. We have had no issue with these students since.


Steven Sweeney BSc (Hons), MSc

Metropolitan Police Service, Frontline Policing Delivery Unit, Youth Policy Team