Vetting of Safer Schools Officers in London

In line with the Disclosure and Barring Service guidelines on 'Regulated activity with children in England', the standard check for a SSO is the Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS), the industry standard across the educational sector and other sectors working with children.

The DBS check must be renewed every three years. An SSO not in possession of an Enhanced DBS certificate must obtain a check immediately to ensure consistency across the SSO cohort. By standardising the vetting check so that all officers are at the same level, the police can set out a consistent approach in line with national practice in working with young people.

Any adverse DBS check results must be examined by an officer of a higher rank for assessment and direction.

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Steven Sweeney BSc (Hons), MSc

Metropolitan Police Service, Frontline Policing Delivery Unit, Youth Policy Team